Momo7 Rocket Launches Successfully

Akihabara News (Tokyo) — Interstellar Technologies, a Japanese startup space launch rocket company, has successfully lobbed its second rocket into space.

Last Saturday, Interstellar Technologies launched the Momo7 rocket from a launch site in Taiki, Hokkaido. The rocket measures about ten meters in length and has a circumference of 157 centimeters.

The Momo7, also known as the “screw rocket,” reached an altitude of 100 kilometers, which is officially classified as outer space. The engine combustion lasted two minutes before falling into the Pacific Ocean, as programmed by the company.

“The mission was successful as all planned operations were performed normally, and we were able to obtain necessary data,” states Takahiro Inagawa, the firm’s president.

The Momo7 represents the company’s second successful rocket launch into outer space, succeeding the Momo3 which was launched two years ago. Reaching similar altitudes, the Momo3 flew for about ten minutes before falling into the Pacific Ocean.

These rockets were built with commercially available parts, in accordance with the company’s motto to transform the economics of space launch services, meaning lowering the costs and commercializing the services.

Interstellar Technologies promotes a vision of “creating a future where everyone can reach the universe.”

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