Hoverbike Tests in Yamanashi Prefecture

Akihabara News (Tokyo) — A.L.I. Technologies has reached an agreement with Yamanashi Prefecture for what it calls “social implementation of air mobility.”

CEO Daisuke Kitano explains, “By today’s agreement, we will make maximum use of Yamanashi Prefecture, which is extremely attractive both geographically and environmentally, as a test bed, and proceed toward social implementation of hoverbikes.”

He added, “We are confident that we have taken the first step to grow as an industry that contributes to society, together with the products and technological innovations of air mobility.”

In practical terms, it appears the thrust of the agreement is that Yamanashi, a mountainous and sparsely populated prefecture near Tokyo, will provide areas where A.L.I. can conduct test flights of its XTurismo hoverbike and perhaps other experimental vehicles.

The company made a splash in the global media last month when it announced that it is now accepting customer orders for the XTurismo Limited Edition hoverbike at a price tag of ¥77.7 million (US$680,000).

Customer deliveries are not expected for another year, giving the firm time to improve the technology.

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