
A Look at Tokyo Torch

Akihabara News (Tokyo) -- Mitsubishi Estate has provided concept images of its Tokyo Torch development, planned to open near Tokyo Station before the end...

KPMG Origins Aims to Secure Supply Chains

Akihabara News (Tokyo) — KPMG Origins, a joint Japan, China, and Australia project, is a blockchain-based track and trace platform, and its creators hope...

SoftBank Unrolls Its 5G Services

Akihabara News (Tokyo) -- SoftBank has become the first major operator to unroll consumer 5G mobile services in Japan, with the network launch planned...

Sony as Automaker

By Talicia Marie Stewart Akihabara News (Tokyo) -- At a recent trade show, Sony unveiled a prototype car called the Vision-S, surprising many observers who...

Toshiba’s Emerging Hydrogen Society

By Talicia Marie Stewart Akihabara News (Tokyo) -- Toshiba has now opened three H2One Station Units, which is a system that produces hydrogen and with...

Fujifilm’s New X-T200 Camera

By Talicia Marie Stewart Akihabara News (Tokyo) -- Fujifilm recently announced its plans for a new mirrorless digital camera, the X-T200. With Nikon’s D780 having...

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